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Frequently Asked Questions

When are the HOA board meetings, and how can I attend?

  • HOA board meetings are typically held on the fourth Monday of every month at 7:00 PM but these are subject to change. Notice will be posted 48 hours before the at the community entrances and residents will be notified of changes via email.

  • You can attend the meeting in person at the Shadywoods Clubhouse or via Zoom link that is sent to residents who are registered on the Shadywoods website.


What are the HOA dues, and when are they due?

  • As of January 1st, 2024, the dues are $278.00 per month

  • Payments are due on the first day of each month.

  • For more information, please visit the HOA Dues / Accounting page by clicking here.

  • Your HOA dues include community maintenance, swimming pool, tennis courts, lawn service, basic Xfinity package with two cable boxes and common area beautification/maintenance.


What is the process for requesting approval for exterior home improvements?

  • The following requires an official request be made to the Board:

    • Landscape/Beautification

    • Architectural Changes

  • The requests can be made online by clicking on the respective link on the ‘Resident Services’ page here.  Please note that you have to login to your HOA profile to access these services. 

Who do I contact for maintenance issues in common areas?


How can I access community amenities (pool, clubhouse, tennis courts)?

  • Every owner or renter should have a key to the HOA amenities. 

  • Using the key will get you access to the clubhouse, tennis courts, and the pool.

  • If you need another key, it will cost $100.00.  Please contact the board.


How do I rent the Clubhouse?

  • A Clubhouse rental can be accomplished by clicking here which will take you to the “Resident Services” page of our website.  From there, click on the respective “Application for Clubhouse Rental” link and complete the documentation. 

    • Note there is a $100.00 non-refundable fee and a refundable $400.00 deposit.


What are the rules regarding trash and recycling?

  • Trash is picked up on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  • Bins should be placed on the street edge in the evening the day before pickup (Monday evening for Tuesday pickup and Thursday evening for Friday pickup).

  • Bulk trash is also picked up on Tuesdays and should be placed on the street edge on Monday evening. Please be aware that the “claw” may crush items that include glass such as windows and mirrors leaving sharp debris in the street.

  • Electronics, car batteries, outdated electronics, etc., should be brought to any of the Solid Waste Authority’s Home Chemical and Recycling Centers for disposal.

  • Recycled materials are picked up on Fridays and should be put on the street edge Thursday evening.

  • All bins should be promptly returned to the side of your unit, out of the view of the street once they are emptied.

  • Please see the Trash Service page for more information by clicking here.



What are the parking rules within the community?

  • Our streets are very narrow. Parking overnight from 11 pm - 6:00 am is discouraged. Vehicles parking on the street should park 2 wheels on the grass and 2 wheels on the street.  Vehicles should be on the driveways from 11 pm – 6 am.  If you have excess vehicles due to visiting guests, you may temporarily park in the clubhouse parking lot.  This requires you to display a sign on the dashboard.  If you anticipate overnight parking to extend beyond 5 days, Board approval is required.

  • Please note: there are certain restrictions that exist for vehicles.  Please see the "Vehicles" section of the Realtors or Estoppels page. 


How do I report a violation of the HOA rules?

  • The easiest way to report a violation is to use the Team Real Estate Management Solutions portal: click here to go directly to the portal.  You can also email Team Real Estate Management by clicking here and contacting them at the email listed.


Are there any restrictions on renting out my property?

  • Only after (2) two consecutive years of ownership will you be permitted to rent your property.


When must an orientation take place, before, the day of move-in, or after? Can orientation be via Zoom or must it be in-person?

  • Orientations are typically scheduled sometime before the ‘Closing’ or move in of your new unit or rental property.


How can I join a committee or volunteer for community events?

  • To join a committee or volunteer, simply contact the board by clicking here and sharing your interests with us.


What are the rules regarding pets in the community?

  • There are no breed exceptions; all breeds are welcome.

  • All pets outside of the unit should be leashed.

  • Cleaning up after your pet is mandatory.

  • See the Pets page of the website for more information.


How do I get a copy of the HOA bylaws and covenants?


Who should I contact in case of an emergency?

  • You should call 911 for immediate attention.

  • Other important and helpful contact information can be found by clicking on the Helpful Contact Numbers page.


How can I change parts of my profile to 'private?'

  • Click here for instructions on how to change fields in your profile to private/public.

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